GTbank fingerprint withdrawal (How to withdraw money with your fingerprint)

GTbank fingerprint withdrawal (How to withdraw money with your fingerprint)

Read all about GTbank fingerprint withdrawal

Do you know you can withdraw money with just your fingerprint? Many people are not aware that you can also withdraw money using just your fingerprint.

With the advent of cardless withdrawal, you can still withdraw money even when you are not with your ATM card by using a 12-digit reference code. GTbank fingerprint withdrawal does not require any reference code, you can withdraw with just your fingerprint.

This is a new feature that has been added on select GTbank ATMs which gives you access to your money at any time.

I imagine that this feature is not yet too common because of security reasons, but it seems like a really great way to withdraw money.

In this post, I am going to be writing about Gtbank fingerprint withdrawal, and how you can easily withdraw money from your account using just your fingerprint.

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Let’s get into it then…

Read my GTbank cardless withdrawal

GTbank fingerprint withdrawal (How to withdraw money from GTbank ATM with your fingerprint)

To perform GTbank fingerprint withdrawal, follow the below instructions:

  1. Locate any GTbank ATM nearest to you with thumbprint attached hardware
  2. Press the “Enter” button on the ATM
  3. Select the “Fingerprint withdraw option”
  4. Enter the phone number of your account and click proceed.
  5. Place your right thumb on the hardware thumbprint for 5 to 10 seconds.
  6. Remove your hand and click on “Proceed”
  7. Enter “Amount”, then press “Enter” button to proceed
  8. Your cash will be dispensed and the transaction completed.


Thank you for reading my post on GTbank fingerprint withdrawal (How to withdraw money from GTbank ATM with your fingerprint). If you have any comment or question, you can leave it below in the comment section.

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