How to detect/identify fake bank alert in Nigeria

How to detect/identify fake bank alert in Nigeria

Read all about how to detect/identify fake bank alert in Nigeria.

Nigeria is a country going through hard times, the price of goods & services is soaring, while the salaries of workers remain the same, and in some cases go unpaid for months. So it probably isn’t surprising that some individuals will resort to different types of fraudulent activities in order to make ends meet.

One common scam that these individuals perpetrate is the fake bank alert, in which they send fake SMS alerts to people, usually to pay for bought goods and services.

The central bank of Nigeria is trying to reduce the volume of cash in circulation by enforcing the cashless policy, in which people can spend & receive money without holding cash.

A number of individuals are trying to take advantage of this by defrauding non-suspecting people of their hard earned money through fake bank alerts.

If you have been a victim of this type of scam, then you know the importance of knowing how to identify fake bank alert. Even if you have not been a victim of this type of scam, it is very important that you continue reading this post, in order to prevent future occurrence.

In this post, I am going to be writing about all you will need to know about how to identify fake bank alert in Nigeria and more.

Remember to leave us a comment after you finish reading and also share with your friends on social media.

Let’s get into it then…

Read my post on how to stop first bank SMS alert

What is a Fake bank alert?

A fake bank alert is an SMS/email message sent to the phone number of an individual usually mimicking a real debit/credit from a bank.

This bank alert can be sent from a mobile app that is tailored made for this purpose. Once the individual is able to get your account number, account name and phone number, they will be able to send you a fake alert.

Requirements that scammers use to perform a fake bank alert

The following are the information an individual will need to send you a fake bank alert:

  1. Account number
  2. Phone number
  3. Account name

With the above, you can be sent a fake bank alert.

Apps for fake bank alerts

The following are some of the apps that scammers use for fake bank alerts:

  1. Flash fund app
  2. Lofty SMS app
  3. Money Prank Pro
  4. Millionaire fake bank account
  5. Pro and fake alert maker for android

How to identify fake bank alert in Nigeria

If you no longer want to fall victim to a fake bank alert, then I suggest you read the following steps to identify a fake bank alert/transfer payment:

Check for errors

One of the first thing you do is to check for any type of error in the alert, you should check for misspellings, wrong account number and any other type of mistakes. This can be an indication that the alert is a fake one.

Check your account balance

Another step to take is to check your bank account balance, this is because a fake bank alert usually cannot update your bank account balance. i.e. if for example, you have a 100,000 naira in your account, it will likely still remain the same, even after you received an alert.

If this happens, then you have probably received a fake bank alert.

In another case, the alert might not even show your bank balance, this is because there is no way for the sender to actually know how much is in your account, so he does not put it in the bank alert, hoping that you won’t notice.

You should know that, your bank will always show your bank account balance in every debit/credit transaction that occurs from your bank account.

Check the mobile app

Read my post on how to stop GTbank SMS alert

One of the surest ways to know a fake bank alert is to check the mobile app that is being used/was used to send the money, if it is not an app that belongs to any bank, then it is probably one of the fake bank alerts app that I pointed out above.

Check the SMS

When you receive a bank alert, it will come up along all the other previous alerts you have received, something like in the image below.

Fake bank alert

If it comes up on its own without any of the other previous alerts you have received, then it probably isn’t from your bank.

Check your bank account statement

If you want to confirm that you really received the money, then you should check your bank account statement. A fake bank transfer/payment will not reflect in your bank account statement.

You can get your bank statement from your bank mobile app or by checking your email for monthly bank statements sent to you, depending on your bank.

Check your email address

If you receive an alert via email, you should check the email address that sent the email to you, if it is from the one that normally sends you alert, then it is fine, otherwise it is a fake bank alert.


With the above, you should easily be able to identify a fake bank alert from a real one and prevent being a victim of this type of fraud.

If you still require further information or perhaps you have something to add to this post, then you can leave us a comment below or shoot us an email, and we will get back to you as soon as we possibly can.


Thank you for reading my post on How to detect/identify fake bank alert in Nigeria. If you have any question or comment, you can leave it below in the comment section below.

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