How to change BVN phone number

How to change BVN phone number

Read all about How to change BVN phone number.

There are many reasons you may want to change your BVN phone number, like you may no longer have access to your old phone number, your phone number line got stolen or lost, your BVN was linked with a wrong number, you have a new phone number etc.

The bank verification number is an 11 digits’ number that is unique to all bank account owners, and it is usually linked to all of your bank accounts. It was introduced by the central bank of Nigeria to curtail and monitor financial crime, fraud & theft.

The bank verification number usually has information like passport photograph, fingerprint, name, age, Date of birth etc.

The BVN is unique to each individual, and you can only have one. This means that even if you have up to 10 accounts with different banks, they will all be linked to one BVN.

Whatever the reasons you may want to change your BVN phone number, in this post, I am writing about most of the information you should know and more.

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Let’s get into it then…

Read my post on how to check BVN on zenith bank

What is Bank verification number (BVN)?

The bank verification number is an 11 digits’ number that is unique to all bank account owners, and it is usually linked to all of your bank accounts. It was introduced by the central bank of Nigeria to curtail and monitor financial crime, fraud & theft.

The bank verification number usually has information like passport photograph, fingerprint, name, age, Date of birth etc.

The BVN is unique to each individual, and you can only have one. This means that even if you have up to 10 accounts with different banks, they will all be linked to one BVN.

Reasons for changing BVN phone number

The below are some of the reasons you may decide to change your BVN phone number:

  1. You may no longer have access to your old phone number
  2. Your phone number line got stolen or lost
  3. Your BVN was linked with someone else’s number
  4. You have a new phone number

Requirements to change your BVN phone number

The below are the things you will need when changing your BVN phone number:

  1. National ID card or international passport or driver’s license
  2. You will also need to know your old phone number, new phone number, BVN number and date of birth

How to change BVN phone number

Once you have the above requirements, you will need to walk into the nearest bank branch in which you registered your BVN.

Walk straight to the customer service desk and let them know you want to change your BVN phone number, and they will ask you if you brought the above requirements.

They will also issue you a form in which you will fill in the correctly details, including the details of the phone number you are changing to and from.

You will then submit the form to them alongside your ID card and they will process your request in not more than 24 hours.

How to change BVN phone number online

Many people have been asking and searching for how they can change BVN phone number online. As at the time of writing this post, you can’t change your BVN details online, you can only change if you visit the nearest bank branch in which you registered your BVN.

It’s currently not possible to change your BVN phone number online, this is because BVN contains high class information of individuals & are stored using secured database management systems.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Can I change my BVN number?

No, you cannot change your BVN number. The one given to you is the only one you will use.

Can I change my BVN phone number online?

It’s currently not possible to change your BVN phone number online, this is because BVN contains high class information of individuals & are stored using secured database management systems.

This means that if you want to change your BVN phone number, you have no other choice than to visit the bank that enrolled your BVN with.

How to check BVN details?

You cannot check your BVN details, this is due to the fact that BVN records contain sensitive personal information about persons and are housed on secure database management systems. You can only check your BVN number by dialing the code *565*0# from the phone number that is linked to your BVN


Read my post on how to check BVN on UBA

With the above, you can easily change your BVN phone number. All you need is a Valid ID card, then walk to the bank in which you enrolled your BVN, they will give you a BVN details update form, which you will fill correctly.

Once you submit, your BVN phone number will be updated to the new phone number that you provided.


Thank you for reading my How to change BVN phone number. If you have any question or comment, you can leave it below in the comment section below.

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