How to change Polaris bank phone number/alert number?

How to change Polaris bank phone number/alert number?

Read all about how to change Polaris bank phone number/alert number.

There are many reasons you may want to change your Polaris bank phone number/alert number, maybe you lost the previous number you were using, perhaps you have a new line that you want to be actively using as your main number or maybe for an entirely different reason.

Whatever the reason, you can change your Polaris bank phone number/alert number, if you read through everything I have detailed below.

In this post, I am going to answer a few of your questions like “How to change my Polaris bank phone number online”, “How to change my Polaris bank alert number” and more.

Remember to leave us a comment after you finish reading and also share with your friends on social media.

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Let’s get into it then…

Requirements to change your Polaris bank phone number/alert number (offline)

The following are the requirements to change Polaris bank phone number

  1. Polaris bank account number
  2. Full name on the bank account
  3. Account type
  4. Email address
  5. Mobile phone number
  6. Identification address proof (Passport, Driver’s license, National ID etc.)
  7. Address

One you have the above, you can proceed to the nearest Polaris bank branch.

Steps on how to change Polaris bank account phone number

Follow the below steps to change your Polaris bank phone number/alert number

  1. Walk into the nearest Polaris bank branch
  2. Head straight to the customer service department and request to change your Polaris bank account phone number.
  3. An agent will attend to you and ask you if you have the above requirements
  4. Once they confirm that you do, you will likely be given a form to fill
  5. Make sure you fill the form with all your details correctly and submit back to the agent
  6. The agent will review all your details to make sure that it is correct
  7. Your request will be processed and your phone number will easily be changed

How to change your Polaris bank phone number/alert number online?

There are cases where you cannot locate a close-by Polaris bank branch, then you will want to see if you can change your Polaris bank phone number online.

Usually, there is no direct way to change your Polaris bank phone number online, but you can contact the Polaris bank customer support and request for a change of your phone number, and they will guide you on what to do exactly.


Read my post on how to check polaris bank account number

Thank you for reading my post on How to change Polaris bank account alert number/phone number. I hope I have helped you on this particular topic. If you still have questions or maybe you want to add something, the comments section is open to use.

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Thank you once again.

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