How to unlock my Zenith bank token?

How to unlock my Zenith bank token?

Read all about how to unlock my Zenith bank token.

The hardware token is a device that generates codes which can be used to authorize transactions, thereby providing an extra layer of security.

The code it generates can only be used for limited amount of time, and if it is inputted incorrectly, then the transaction will not go through.

In this post, I am going to be writing about how to unlock/reset my Zenith bank token and more. Remember to leave us a comment after you finish reading and also share with your friends on social media.

Let’s get into it then…

Read my post on What is Zenith bank hardware token

How to unlock my Zenith bank token?

Follow the below instructions to unlock zenith bank token:

  1. Go to
  2. Click on Self-service tab
  3. Select hardware token unlock/reset
  4. Provide the required information on the token self-service portal
  5. An OTP (one-time password) will be sent to your registered email address
  6. The OTP is required to complete the token reset
  7. You can also reset/unlock zenith bank token by using internet banking
  8. You will need to also navigate to the token reset tab and follow the on-screen prompts.

Zenith bank customer care

If you require further help, you can always contact the zenith bank customer care via the following channels:


Phone: 234-1-2787000, 0700ZENITHBANK





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