Is Union bank having network issue today?

Is Union bank having network issue today?

Read all about Union bank network issues today.

Are you having troubles with your transfer, USSD, mobile app or internet banking? While this issue might be frustrating for you, there are a few things you might need to know.

If you are having troubles with the union bank ussd, mobile or internet baking, then it is very easy to assume that there is a problem with the union bank network.

However, there are certain things you will need to check in order to know if the problem is from your end or from union bank.

In this post, I am going to be answering the question “Is Union bank having network issue today?” and more.

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Let’s get into it then…

Read my post on union bank cardless withdrawal


There are times when you make a transfer from your bank account to another, and it has not reflected in the person’s account or vice versa.

This situation is quite common with all banks and it is no reason to panic, as there are several explanations for this and also solutions.

After transferring the money, make sure your bank account has been debited of the sum and also ask the recipient to check their account balance, even if they did not get an alert.

If you are still having issues, make sure you wait at least 48 hours in order for the issue to be resolved, and if hasn’t, then you will need to contact the union bank customer care or visit the nearest union bank branch to make a complaint.


If you are having trouble using the union bank USSD, then you need to make sure that you have network service on your phone i.e. if you keep getting the MMI error.

You should also make sure you follow the on-screen prompts quickly in order to avoid any error.

If you are still having trouble with the USSD, then you will need to wait and try at a later time or you can try using another means like mobile app or internet banking to complete your transaction.

Mobile app

The union bank mobile app requires you to be connected to the internet, so you should make sure that you have a valid internet data plan, and also that your network connection is on.

If you are having trouble logging in or completing transactions, then you might have to try the following:

  1. Restart/reboot your mobile phone
  2. Uninstall the app and install it again
  3. Try logging in after a little time, as there may too many people logged into the app
  4. Clear your phone storage

If you still can’t complete your transaction, then you might need to wait or try using another means like USSD & internet banking to complete your transaction.

Internet banking

Read my post on Union bank USSD

As for internet banking, if you are having problems, make sure everything is ok on your end, then you can hold on and try again later, if you are still having issues.

Union bank customer care

You can reach the Union bank customer care via the following channels:





If after trying all of the above, you are still having issues, then you might need to contact the UNION BANK customer support lines, to confirm if they are having network issues.

Usually if UNION BANK is going through any sort of upgrade, they will let their customers know by sending an email, so you will be prepared on time.


Thank you for reading my post on Is Union bank having network issue today? If you have any question or comment, you can leave it below in the comment section below.

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